This article
discusses how a Van Meter Community School in Iowa found a way to give a voice
to all of its students form grades 6-12.
The school district gave each of their students a lab top computer and
made technology a priority. The students began to access their own learning
communities and continued to pursue their passions and knowledge. As a result,
students became more confident, passionate, and accountable for their learning.
Question 1. How
can technology improve student’s confidence, passion and accountability?
Well, if you use
technology as a tool for learning it can embed confidence and accountability;
if you let them follow their interest they can develop their passions. In order to build confidence we must teach
them the skills they need to use the programs and then let them share their
knowledge with others. They can share with other students, different schools,
or other teachers. Encouraging or requiring them to share their work is holding
students held accountable for their work. Furthermore, we all like to study or
learn about subjects we are interested and kids are not different. So, by allowing them to follow their interest
they will be more enticed to learn.
Question 2. How would you help students develop a voice?
I would start of
by having students create a Blog. On the
Blog they would answer questions, pose questions and interact with their
classroom or school blog community. Then once they were comfortable, I would
introduce them to Twitter and teach them how to find others who have the same